Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. We are committed to protecting any personal information you provide and we comply with all relevant data protection laws.

But You must agree the between policies to use our website.

Content : Most of the content on this website is hosted by Blogger itself. Although some content is hosted on third party websites, you must agree to their TOC. We recommend that you read the privacy notice of any third party site you visit because we are not responsible for them.

Privacy : We do not store any of your personal information. In the case of email subscriptions, we only use your email to send your monthly newsletter and future updates. The entire email subscription process is handled by Feed-Burner, so we guarantee spam-free emails. We use Google Analytics to track and view our daily statistics. So Google stores some of your public information anonymously, such as your location IP address. And Google never publishes your personal information. Google always keeps user information secure.

Comment : When commenting on a post, you must provide your real name and email id to moderate successful comments. Don't spam us by commenting with wrong information.

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